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Razor Guide

Example 4

Buy reagents using Razor.

With Razor you can automate many repetetive operations saving time and clicks. A classic situation where Razor is usefull is the restock of reagents from vendors.

Select "Buy" in "Agents" tab.

Menù Agents - Buy

Now you just have to decide what we want to buy, for example the eight type of reagents needed for mage.
For select them press "Add(target)"... then click on a reagent; Razor will ask the quantity that we must want in to the inventory, for example 30. Razor will buy many reagents as we need to reach the set number.

Menù Agents - Quantità Oggetti Selezionati

Repeat this operation for all the items you want to buy (in this case the 8 reagents , , , , , , , )

You will get a window like this

Menù Agents - Oggetti Selezionati

To enable Razor to buy you need to click on "Push to Enable" (if active, will trasform in "Push to Disable"). .

After this, you can go to a reagent seller and when you clik "Buy" from the menu...

Menù Vendor - Vendor Buy

instantly the reagents will be bought and Razor will inform you about how much you spent. (as long as you possess the necessary amount of money)

Messaggio Razor

Zaino con Reagenti appena comprati

::By GM Spy::


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