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Quest Point System

Since october 2008 a new system will be available to collect quest points (qp) during the quests and other types of events like CTF, bagball, etc...(more info) on a special point card. When reached enough points, you will be able to redeem a special prize.

The Pointcheck will have two kinds of values, one for the quest points and one for the gold pounds. It will be possible to convert in the respective worth of quest points OR gold coins.

  • If a player wants to cumulate the points on your card, i has just to drag and drop the Poincheck over the point card, and the worth of the check will be added to the card.
  • If a player wants the gold coins, the Pointcheck acts just like the normal money checks does.
  • You can sell qp-checks to other player freely establishing prices.

The value of the points is calculated according to the exchange tax of 1qp = 1000gp.

QPs can be kept separately as normal checks but to obtain rewards you have to fill them into point card (pink book called "UODreams Pointcard") in a certain amount (see Reward's QP value). A special area has been prepared inside the wals of Serpent's Hold (see map below) where it will be possible to take a look at the prizes, and where it will be possible to take the point card using a special chest placed in the middle of the room.
It will be possible to take just one point card for account but usable by every character.

Withdraw points from a pointcard

If you want withdraw points from a pointcard to get a check, you need to go near a banker (having the pointcard in bag) and write "pointcheck value" for example: pointcheck 50

The maximum number of points is 500 (the minimum is 10)


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