| Caratteristiche
| Artifact Rarity 11
| Self Repair
| 5
| Reflect Physical Damage
| 15%
| Defense Chance Increase
| 15%
| Lower Mana Cost
| 8
| Physical Resist
| 15%
| Fire Resist
| 1%
| Strength Requirement
| 90
| Durability
| 255/255

Arcane Shield
| Caratteristiche
| Artifact Rarity 11
| Spell Channeling
| Night Sight
| Defense Chance Increase
| 15%
| Faster Casting
| 1
| Energy Resist
| 1%
| Strength Requirement
| 20
| Durability
| 255/255

Armor of Fortune
| Caratteristiche
| Artifact Rarity 11
| Mage Armor
| Luck
| 200
| Defense Chance Increase
| 15%
| Lower Reagent Cost
| 40%
| Physical Resist
| 2%
| Fire Resist
| 4%
| Cold Resist
| 3%
| Poison Resist
| 3%
| Energy Resist
| 4%
| Strength Requirement
| 35
| Durability
| 255/255

Axe Of The Heavens
| Caratteristiche
| Artifact Rarity 11
| Damage Increase
| 50%
| Hit Lightning
| 50%
| Hit Chance Increase
| 15%
| Defense Chance Increase
| 15%
| Physical Damage
| 100%
| Weapon Damage
| 15-18
| Weapon Speed
| 3.25s
| Strength Requirement
| 45
| Durability
| 255/255

Blade Of Insanity
| Caratteristiche
| Artifact Rarity 11
| Damage Increase
| 50%
| Hit Stamina Leech
| 100%
| Stamina Regeneration
| 2
| Swing Speed Increase
| 30%
| Physical Damage
| 100%
| Weapon Damage
| 10-14
| Weapon Speed
| 2.5s
| Strength Requirement
| 25
| Durability
| 255/255

Bone Crusher
| Caratteristiche
| Artifact Rarity 11
| Damage Increase
| 75%
| Hit Lower Defense
| 50%
| Strength Bonus
| 10
| Physical Damage
| 100%
| Weapon Damage
| 15-19
| Weapon Speed
| 3.75s
| Strength Requirement
| 80
| Durability
| 255/255

Bow Of The Infinite Spawn
| Caratteristiche
Damage Increase
| 50%
| Swarm
| 20%
| Hit Mana Leech
| 50%
| Hit Stamina Leech
| 50%
| Stamina Increase
| 8
| Stamina Regeneration
| 3
| Swing Speed Increase
| 30%
| Physical Damage
| 100%
| Weapon Damage
| 16-20
| Weapon Speed
| 4s
| Range
| 10
| Strength Requirement
| 45
| Durability
| 255/255

Bracelet Of Health
| Caratteristiche
| Artifact Rarity 11
| Hit Point Increase
| 5
| Hit Point Regeneration
| 10

Bracelet Of Primal Consumption
| Caratteristiche
Random Eater
| 6%
| Luck
| 200
| Physical Resist
| 20%
| Fire Resist
| 20%
| Cold Resist
| 20%
| Poison Resist
| 20%
| Energy Resist
| 20%
| Craft Request
3 Ingots
4 White Pearl
1 Ring Of The Elements
5 Blood of the Dark Father

Breath of the Dead
| Caratteristiche
| Artifact Rarity 11
| Damage Increase
| 50%
| Hit Harm
| 25%
| Hit Life Leech
| 100%
| Physical Damage
| 100%
| Weapon Damage
| 12-16
| Weapon Speed
| 3s
| Strength Requirement
| 25
| Durability
| 255/255

Britches Of Warding (Recipes)
| Caratteristiche
Random Eater
| 9%
| Stamina Increase
| 12
| Hit Chance Increase
| 10%
| Lower Mana Cost
| 8%
| Physical Resist
| 20%
| Fire Resist
| 20%
| Cold Resist
| 20%
| Poison Resist
| 20%
| Energy Resist
| 20%
| Strength Requirement
| 60
| Durability
| 255/255
| Craft Request
18 Ingots
4 Turquoise
1 Leggings Of Bane
5 Blood of the Dark Father

Britches Of Warding (Altered Version)
| Caratteristiche
| Gargoyles Only
| Random Eater
| 9%
| Stamina Increase
| 12
| Hit Chance Increase
| 10%
| Lower Mana Cost
| 8%
| Physical Resist
| 20%
| Fire Resist
| 20%
| Cold Resist
| 20%
| Poison Resist
| 20%
| Energy Resist
| 20%
| Strength Requirement
| 60
| Durability
| 255/255
| Altering
Gargish Version:
| Britches Of Warding
Vrulkax the Exalted
| Termur Plaza

Cuffs Of The Archmage (Recipes)
| Caratteristiche
Resist Spell
| +15
| Mage Armor
| Mana Increase
| 5
| Mana Regeneration
| 4
| Lower Mana Cost
| 5%
| Spell Damage Increase
| 20%
| Physical Resist
| 15%
| Fire Resist
| 15%
| Cold Resist
| 15%
| Poison Resist
| 15%
| Energy Resist
| 15%
| Strength Requirement
| 55
| Durability
| 255/255
| Craft Request
8 Cloth
4 Dark Sapphire
1 Midnight Bracers
5 Blood of the Dark Father

Cuffs Of The Archmage (Altered Version)
| Caratteristiche
| Gargoyles Only
| Resist Spell
| +15
| Mage Armor
| Mana Increase
| 5
| Mana Regeneration
| 4
| Lower Mana Cost
| 5%
| Spell Damage Increase
| 20%
| Physical Resist
| 15%
| Fire Resist
| 15%
| Cold Resist
| 15%
| Poison Resist
| 15%
| Energy Resist
| 15%
| Strength Requirement
| 55
| Durability
| 255/255
| Altering
Gargish Version:
| Cuffs Of Archmage
Vrulkax the Exalted
| Termur Plaza

Divine Countenance
| Caratteristiche
| Artifact Rarity 11
| Intelligence Bonus
| 8
| Mana Regeneration
| 2
| Reflect Physical Damage
| 15%
| Lower Mana Cost
| 8%
| Physical Resist
| 8%
| Fire Resist
| 6%
| Cold Resist
| 9%
| Poison Resist
| 4%
| Energy Resist
| 25%
| Strength Requirement
| 10
| Durability
| 255/255

| Caratteristiche
| Artifact Rarity 11
| Damage Increase
| 50%
| Hit Dispel
| 50%
| Cold Damage
| 100%
| Range
| 10
| Weapon Damage
| 17-21
| Weapon Speed
| 4.25s
| Strength Requirement
| 30
| Durability
| 255/255

Gauntlets Of Nobility
| Caratteristiche
| Artifact Rarity 11
| Strength Bonus
| 8
| Luck
| 100
| Damage Increase
| 20%
| Physical Resist
| 18%
| Fire Resist
| 3%
| Cold Resist
| 1%
| Poison Resist
| 20%
| Energy Resist
| 3%
| Strength Requirement
| 40
| Durability
| 255/255

Glaive Of The Infinite Spawn (Altered Version)
| Caratteristiche
Damage Increase
| 50%
| Swarm
| 20%
| Hit Mana Leech
| 50%
| Hit Stamina Leech
| 50%
| Stamina Increase
| 8
| Stamina Regeneration
| 3
| Swing Speed Increase
| 30%
| Physical Damage
| 100%
| Weapon Damage
| 16-20
| Weapon Speed
| 4s
| Range
| 10
| Strength Requirement
| 45
| Durability
| 255/255
| Altering
Gargish Version:
| Bow Of The Infinite Swarm
Vrulkax the Exalted
| Termur Plaza

| Caratteristiche
Damage Increase
| 100%
| Hit Mana Leech
| 20%
| Hit Lower Defense
| 70%
| Strength Bonus
| 16
| Bone Breaker
| Physical Damage
| 100%
| Weapon Damage
| 10-14
| Weapon Speed
| 2.5s
| Strength Requirement
| 40
| Durability
| 255/255

Gloves Of Feudal Grip (Recipes)
| Caratteristiche
Strength Bonus
| 8
| Stamina Increase
| 8
| Hit Point Regeneration
| 3
| Mana Regeneration
| 3%
| Damage Increase
| 30
| Physical Resist
| 15%
| Fire Resist
| 15%
| Cold Resist
| 15%
| Poison Resist
| 15%
| Energy Resist
| 15%
| Strength Requirement
| 75
| Durability
| 255/255
| Craft Request
18 Scales
4 Blue Diamonds
1 Gauntlets Of Nobility
5 Blood of the Dark Father

Kilt Of Feudal Grip (Altered Version)
| Caratteristiche
| Gargoyles Only
| Strength Bonus
| 8
| Stamina Increase
| 8
| Hit Point Regeneration
| 3
| Mana Regeneration
| 3%
| Damage Increase
| 30
| Physical Resist
| 15%
| Fire Resist
| 15%
| Cold Resist
| 15%
| Poison Resist
| 15%
| Energy Resist
| 15%
| Strength Requirement
| 75
| Durability
| 255/255
| Altering
Gargish Version:
| Gloves Of Feudal Grip
Vrulkax the Exalted
| Termur Plaza

Hat Of The Magi
| Caratteristiche
| Artifact Rarity 11
| Intelligence Bonus
| 8
| Mana Regeneration
| 4
| Spell Damage Increase
| 10%
| Fire Resist
| 5%
| Cold Resist
| 9%
| Poison Resist
| 20%
| Energy Resist
| 20%
| Strength Requirement
| 10
| Durability
| 255/255

Helm Of Insight
| Caratteristiche
| Artifact Rarity 11
| Intelligence Bonus
| 8
| Mana Increase
| 15
| Mana Regeneration
| 2
| Lower Mana Cost
| 8%
| Physical Resist
| 5%
| Fire Resist
| 3%
| Cold Resist
| 2%
| Poison Resist
| 3%
| Energy Resist
| 17%
| Strength Requirement
| 80
| Durability
| 255/255

Holy Knight Breastplate
| Caratteristiche
| Artifact Rarity 11
| Hit Point Increase
| 10
| Reflect Physical Damage
| 15%
| Physical Resist
| 35%
| Fire Resist
| 3%
| Cold Resist
| 2%
| Poison Resist
| 3%
| Energy Resist
| 2%
| Strength Requirement
| 95
| Durability
| 255/255

Hunter Headdress
| Caratteristiche
| Artifact Rarity 11
| Archery
| 20
| Dexterity Bonus
| 8
| Night Sight
| Hit Change Increase
| 15%
| Physical Resist
| 2%
| Fire Resist
| 6%
| Cold Resist
| 23%
| Poison Resist
| 1%
| Energy Resist
| 7%
| Strength Requirement
| 10
| Durability
| 255/255

Jackal’s Collar
| Caratteristiche
| Artifact Rarity 11
| Dexterity Bonus
| 15
| Hit Point Rgeneration
| 2
| Physical Resist
| 5%
| Fire Resist
| 23%
| Cold Resist
| 17%
| Poison Resist
| 3%
| Energy Resist
| 2%
| Strength Requirement
| 45
| Durability
| 255/255

Legacy Of The Dread Lord
| Caratteristiche
| Artifact Rarity 10
| Damage Increase
| 50%
| Spell Channeling
| Faster Cast Recovery
| 3
| Swing Speed Increase
| 30%
| Energy Damage
| 100%
| Weapon Damage
| 17-20
| Weapon Speed
| 3.75s
| Strength Requirement
| 45
| Durability
| 255/255

Leggings Of Bane
| Caratteristiche
| Artifact Rarity 11
| Durability
| 100%
| Stamina Increase
| 8
| Hit Chance Increase
| 20%
| Physical Resist
| 4%
| Fire Resist
| 4%
| Cold Resist
| 4%
| Poison Resist
| 36%
| Energy Resist
| 2%
| Strength Requirement
| 60
| Durability
| 255/255

Midnight Bracers
| Caratteristiche
| Artifact Rarity 11
| Mecromancy
| +20
| Mage Armor
| Spell Damage Increase
| 10%
| Physical Resist
| 23%
| Fire Resist
| 3%
| Cold Resist
| 4%
| Poison Resist
| 2%
| Energy Resist
| 4%
| Strength Requirement
| 55
| Durability
| 255/255

Ornament Of The Magician
| Caratteristiche
Artifact Rarity 11
| Faster Cast Recovery
| 3
| Faster Casting
| 2
| Lower Mana Cost
| 10%
| Lower Reagent Cost
| 20%
| Energy Resist
| 15%

Ornate Crown Of The Harrower
| Caratteristiche
| Artifact Rarity 11
| Hit Point Regeneration
| 2
| Stamina Regeneration
| 3
| Stamina Increase
| 25%
| Physical Resist
| 3%
| Fire Resist
| 3%
| Cold Resist
| 4%
| Poison Resist
| 17%
| Energy Resist
| 4%
| Durability
| 255/255

Ring Of The Elements
| Caratteristiche
| Artifact Rarity 11
| Luck
| 100
| Fire Resist
| 16%
| Cold Resist
| 16%
| Poison Resist
| 16%
| Energy Resist
| 16%

Ring Of The Vile
| Caratteristiche
| Artifact Rarity 11
| Dexterity Bonus
| 8
| Hit Chance Increase
| 55%
| Stamina Regeneration
| 6
| Poison Resist
| 20%

Scholar's Halo
| Caratteristiche
Mana Increase
| 15
| Mana Regeneration
| 2
| Spell Damage Increase
| 15%
| Faster Casting
| 1
| Lower Mana Cost
| 10%
| Physical Resist
| 15%
| Fire Resist
| 15%
| Cold Resist
| 15%
| Poison Resist
| 15%
| Energy Resist
| 15%
| Strength Requirement
| 10
| Durability
| 255/255

Serpent's Fang
| Caratteristiche
| Artifact Rarity 11
| Damage Increase
| 50%
| Hit Poison Area
| 100%
| Hit Chance Increase
| 15%
| Poison Resist
| 15%
| Physical Damage
| 25%
| Poison Damage
| 75%
| Weapon Damage
| 10-12
| Weapon Speed
| 2s
| Strength Requirement
| 10
| Durability
| 255/255

Shadow Dancer Leggings
| Caratteristiche
| Artifact Rarity 11
| Stealing
| +20
| Stealth
| +20
| Spell Damage Increase
| 10%
| Physical Resist
| 17%
| Fire Resist
| 4%
| Cold Resist
| 3%
| Poison Resist
| 18%
| Energy Resist
| 18%
| Strength Requirement
| 20
| Durability
| 255/255

Spirit Of The Totem
| Caratteristiche
Artifact Rarity 11
| Hit Chance Increase
| 15%
| Reflect Physical Damage
| 15%
| Strength Bonus
| 20
| Physical Resist
| 20%
| Fire Resist
| 3%
| Cold Resist
| 8%
| Poison Resist
| 4%
| Energy Resist
| 4%
| Strength Requirement
| 10
| Durability
| 255/255

Staff Of The Magi
| Caratteristiche
Artifact Rarity 11
| Spell Channeling
| Mage Weapon
| -0 Skill
| Faster Casting
| 1
| Damage Increase
| 50%
| Faster Casting
| 1
| Energy Damage
| 100%
| Weapon Damage
| 13-16
| Weapon Speed
| 2.75s
| Strength Requirement
| 35
| Durability
| 255/255

The Berserker Maul
| Caratteristiche
Artifact Rarity 11
| Damage Increase
| 50%
| Swing Speed Increase
| 75%
| Physical Damage
| 100%
| Weapon Damage
| 14-18
| Weapon Speed
| 3.5s
| Strength Requirement
| 45
| Durability
| 255/255

The Deceiver
| Caratteristiche
Damage Increase
| 75%
| Hit Lower Attack
| 20%
| Hit Energy Area
| 75%
| Hit Lower Defense
| 20%
| Hit Stamina Leech
| 30%
| Lower Mana Cost
| 8%
| Physical Damage
| 100%
| Weapon Damage
| 16-19
| Weapon Speed
| 3.5s
| Strength Requirement
| 40
| Durability
| 255/255

The Dragon Slayer
| Caratteristiche
Artifact Rarity 11
| Dragon Slayer
| Use Best Weapon Skill
| Damage Increase
| 50%
| Luck
| 110
| Fire Resist
| 20%
| Energy Damage
| 100%
| Weapon Damage
| 18-22
| Weapon Speed
| 4.25s
| Strength Requirement
| 95
| Durability
| 255/255