Quando Brutal Carnage muore uno dei guerrieri aventi diritto di loot potrebbe droppare uno dei seguenti oggetti speciali:

An Bal Xen
| Caratteristiche
Demon Slayer
| Strength Bonus
| 1
| Hit Point Regeneration
| 2
| Hit Chance Increase
| 10%
| Damage Increase
| 20%
| Strength Requirement
| 10

In Corp Mani Xen
| Caratteristiche
Fey Slayer
| Strength Bonus
| 1
| Hit Point Regeneration
| 2
| Hit Chance Increase
| 10%
| Damage Increase
| 20%
| Strength Requirement
| 10

Vine Cord Sandals
| Caratteristiche
Self Repair
| 1
| Physical Resist
| 4%
| Fire Resist
| 4%
| Cold Resist
| 4%
| Poison Resist
| 4%
| Energy Resist
| 4%
| Strength Requirement
| 10

Shadow, The Butcher Of Jhelom
| Caratteristiche
| Dexterity Bonus
| 5
| Hit Points Increase
| 10
| Hit Point Regeneration
| 2
| Strength Requirement
| 10

A Ghostly Shroud Of Spookiness
| Caratteristiche
Strength Requirement
| 10

Boots Of Escaping
| Caratteristiche
Dexterity Bonus
| 4
| Stamina Regeneration
| 1
| Strength Requirement
| 10
| Durability
| 255/255

Exceptional Robe Crafted by Relvinian
| Caratteristiche
| Exceptional
| Blessed
| Intelligence Bonus
| 3
| Luck
| 250
| Strength Requirement
| 10

Shadow Cloak of Rejuvenation
| Caratteristiche
Hit Point Regeneration
| 1
| Stamina Regeneration
| 1
| Mana Regeneration
| 1
| Lower Mana Cost
| 2%
| Strength Requirement
| 10

Robe Of Dark Monk
| Caratteristiche
Spell Damage Increase
| 6%
| Fire Eater
| 6%
| Increase Karma Loss
| 6%
| Durability
| 255/255

Glorious Lady's - Shroud Of The Champion
| Caratteristiche
| Physical Resist
| 10%
| Cold Resist
| 5%
| Strength Requirement
| 10

Ranger's Cloak Of Augmentation
| Caratteristiche
Kinetic Eater
| 5%
| Swing Speed Increase
| 5%
| Spell Damage Increase
| 3%
| Lower Mana Cost
| 1%
| Strength Requirement
| 10

Cloak Of Death
| Caratteristiche
Hit Chance Increase
| 3%
| Defense Chance Increase
| 3%
| Spell Damage Increase
| 3%
| Strength Requirement
| 10

Cloak Of Power
| Caratteristiche
Strength Bonus
| 2
| Dexterity Bonus
| 2
| Intelligence Bonus
| 2
| Strength Requirement
| 10

Cloak Of Light
| Caratteristiche
Hit Chance Increase
| 5%
| Night Sight
| Hit Point Regeneration
| 2
| Strength Requirement
| 10

Drogeni's Spellbook
| Caratteristiche
| Magery
| +20
| Defense Chance Increase
| 15%
| Enhance Potions
| 25%
| Faster Casting Recovery
| 3
| Faster Casting
| 1
| Spell Damage Increase
| 15%

Mark Of Wildfire
| Caratteristiche
Lower Mana Cost
| 10%
| Lower Reagent Cost
| 20%
| Luck
| 250
| Mana Increase
| 10
| Physical Resist
| 15%
| Fire Resist
| 15%
| Cold Resist
| 15%
| Poison Resist
| 15%
| Energy Resist
| 15%
| Strength Requirement
| 10
| Durability
| 255/255

Mark Of The Destroyer
| Caratteristiche
Hit Points Increase
| 10
| Mana Regeneration
| 2
| Hit Points Regeneration
| 2
| Strength Requirement
| 10

Wildfire Lantern
| Caratteristiche
Faster Cast Recovery
| 2
| Mana Regeneration
| 3
| Spell Damage Increase
| 5%
| Spell Channeling
| Fire Resistance
| 5%
| Durability
| 255/255
| Strength Requirement
| 45
In pił, ad ogni sua morte, appare sicuramente uno degli oggetti della collezione "Dangerous Adventures Collection".