Ogni volta che si riesce ad uccidere il boss del dungeon (Rustybot v.2.0) uno degli aventi diritto di loot otterrą al 100% uno dei seguenti premi:

Bracers Of Alchemical Devastation
| Caratteristiche
Hit Fireball
| 40%
| Faster Cast Recovery
| 3
| Mage Armor
| Mana Regeneration
| 5
| Physical Resist
| 15%
| Fire Resist
| 10%
| Cold Resist
| 10%
| Poison Resist
| 10%
| Energy Resist
| 10%
| Strength Requirement
| 55
| Durability
| 255/255

Bracers Of Alchemical Devastation (Gargish)
| Caratteristiche
| Gargoyles Only
| Hit Fireball
| 40%
| Faster Cast Recovery
| 3
| Mage Armor
| Mana Regeneration
| 5
| Physical Resist
| 15%
| Fire Resist
| 10%
| Cold Resist
| 10%
| Poison Resist
| 10%
| Energy Resist
| 10%
| Strength Requirement
| 55
| Durability
| 255/255

Gladiator's Collar
| Caratteristiche
| Hit Point Increase
| 10
| Hit Chance Increase
| 10%
| Mage Armor
| Physical Resist
| 18%
| Fire Resist
| 18%
| Cold Resist
| 17%
| Poison Resist
| 18%
| Energy Resist
| 16%
| Strength Requirement
| 45
| Durability
| 255/255

Lieutenant of The Britannian Royal Guard
| Caratteristiche
| Intelligence Bonus
| 5
| Mana Regeneration
| 2
| Lower Reagent Cost
| 10%
| Strength Requirement
| 10

Legendary Detective of the Royal Guard
| Caratteristiche
| Intelligence Bonus
| 2
| Strength Requirement
| 10

Elder Detective of the Royal Guard
| Caratteristiche
| Intelligence Bonus
| 3
| Strength Requirement
| 10

Mithycal Detective of the Royal Guard
| Caratteristiche
| Intelligence Bonus
| 4
| Strength Requirement
| 10

The Robe Of Britannia "Ari"
| Caratteristiche
| Weight
| 5 Stones
| Physical Resist
| 10%
| Strength Requirement
| 10

The Robe Of Britannia "Bal"
| Caratteristiche
| Weight
| 5 Stones
| Physical Resist
| 10%
| Strength Requirement
| 10

An Embroidered Oak Leaf Cloak
| Caratteristiche
| Weight
| 5 Stones
| Stealth
| 5
| Strength Requirement
| 10

The Most Knowledge Person 1st (Arirang)
| Caratteristiche
| Weight
| 5 Stones
| Hit Point Increase
| 5
| Strength Requirement
| 10

The Most Knowledge Person 2nd (Arirang)
| Caratteristiche
| Weight
| 5 Stones
| Hit Point Increase
| 4
| Strength Requirement
| 10

The Most Knowledge Person 3rd (Arirang)
| Caratteristiche
| Weight
| 5 Stones
| Hit Point Increase
| 3
| Strength Requirement
| 10

Gloves Of The Archlich
| Caratteristiche
Fire Eater
| 15%
| Hit Point Increase
| 5
| Intelligence Bonus
| 5
| Lower Mana Cost
| 10%
| Lower Reagent Cost
| 20%
| Mage Armor
| Mana Increase
| 8
| Mana Regeneration
| 3
| Hit Point Regeneration
| 3
| Strength Bonus
| 5
| Physical Resistance
| 15%
| Fire Resistance
| 15%
| Cold Resistance
| 15%
| Poison Resistance
| 15%
| Energy Resistance
| 15%
| Durability
| 255/255
| Strength Requirement
| 90

Bogling Hide Mukuluks
| Caratteristiche
Strength Bonus
| 2
| Dexterity Bonus
| 2
| Intelligenge Bonus
| 2
| Strength Requirement
| 10

Divinum Luminous
| Caratteristiche
Fey Slayer
| Strength Bonus
| 1
| Hit Point Regeneration
| 2
| Hit Chance Increase
| 10%
| Damage Increase
| 20%
| Strength Requirement
| 10

Sentinel's Mempo
| Caratteristiche
Strength Bonus
| 4
| Dexterity Bonus
| 4
| Hit Point Increase
| 8
| Stamina Increase
| 12
| Mana Increase
| 8
| Hit Chance Increase
| 5%
| Defense Chance Increase
| 5%
| Lower Mana Cost
| 8%
| Physical Resist
| 15%
| Fire Resist
| 15%
| Cold Resist
| 15%
| Poison Resist
| 15%
| Energy Resist
| 15%
| Strength Requirement
| 50
| Durability
| 255/255
| Weight
| 3 Stones

Corrupted Paladin Vambraces
| Caratteristiche
Strength Bonus
| 5
| Dexterity Bonus
| 5
| Stamina Increase
| 10
| Mana Increase
| 10
| Hit Point Regeneration
| 4
| Stamina Regeneration
| 4
| Lower Mana Cost
| 8%
| Physical Resist
| 15%
| Fire Resist
| 15%
| Cold Resist
| 15%
| Poison Resist
| 15%
| Energy Resist
| 15%
| Strength Requirement
| 80
| Weight
| 5 Stones

Mantle of the Archlich
| Caratteristiche
Resisting Spells
| + 10
| Faster Casting
| 1
| Spell Damage Increase
| 8%
| Strength Requirement
| 10

Artio Vine Wrap
| Caratteristiche
Faster Cast Recovery
| 1
| Mana Increase
| 5
| Mana Regeneration
| 2
| Strength Requirement
| 10
| Strength Requirement
| 10